By David David Katzman on April 4th, 2013
Tags: Chicago Center for Literature and Photography, confessional letters, cultural criticism, david david katzman, flash fiction, funny letters, Kickstarter, letter writing, letters, stream-of-consciousness, the-kickstarter-letters | Comments Off on The Kickstarter Letters published in print & ebook versions

After a successful Kickstarter project, my third book, The Kickstarter Letters is available to the public from my publisher, the Chicago Center for Literature & Photography. The Kickstarter Letters is a beautiful handmade book that collects 52 of my stream-of-consciousness emails and handwritten letters written to supporters of my Kickstarter project for A Greater Monster. The book features psychedelic cover art, four color illustrations, 16 black and white illustrations and three fold-out handwritten letters. The letter design by publisher Jason Pettus is reminiscent of the groundbreaking music magazine Raygun from the 80s.
The Kickstarter Letters is also available as a pay-what-you PDF or as an ebook without the artistic layouts. The cover art is available as a poster from Cafepress.
By David David Katzman on January 5th, 2013
Tags: a greater monster, best chicago novels of 2012, book top 10 list, book top 10 list 2012, common ills, david david katzman, refinery29, top chicago novels | Comments Off on A Greater Monster named to two top 10 lists
A Greater Monster was named as one of the Top 10 Books of 2012 by Common Ills Blog as voted by members.
“… Beth championed it near weekly in her column for the gina and krista round-robin. It is a jigsaw of writing and you find yourself falling down the rabbit hole. ‘A book to ponder and to read for the sheer life on the page,’ Beth observed.
It was also called one of “10 books every Chicagoan needs to read right now” and highlighted on
By David David Katzman on December 8th, 2012
Tags: author signing, book fair, chicago, Chicago Writer's House Book Fair, Curbside Splendor, Empty Bottle, publishing event, The Chicagoan | Comments Off on Signing on Sunday Dec 09 at Chicago Writer’s House Book Fair
I’ll be at the Empty Bottle from 3- 4pm with my publisher for The Kickstarter Letters on Sunday. I’ll be signing copies of A Greater Monster and Death by Zamboni. There may be one or two copies of The Kickstarter Letters available as well. It should be a great event, so please come down.
Chicago Writer’s House Book Fair
Chicago Writers House with the support of Curbside Splendor Publishing and The Chicagoan present a book-fair at The Empty Bottle Sunday December 9 from 2pm to 7pm. The bar will be open, there will be music, and a cross-section of Chicago independent publishers will be on hand showcasing their lovely books and journals. Live performances throughout the day to be announced. Come support Chicago’s thriving independent publishing and writing community and get some holiday shopping done.
Empty Bottle (best indie music venue in Chicago, fyi)
1035 N. Western Ave.
Chicago, IL 60622
Phone: 773-276-3600
Tickets to the event are here.
By David David Katzman on December 7th, 2012
Tags: brilliance, brilliant, fiction, literary, novel, other-worldy, psychedelic, psychedelic fiction, review | Comments Off on Review in The Chicagoist
12/7/12 A great review appeared in The Chicagoist for A Greater Monster.
Some highlights: “This is a psychedelic-Burroughs-dream and an aggravated-Lewis-Carroll-nightmare, a world in which we must continuously re-adjust our bearings….The brilliance of his imagination aside, we must also consider that this novel is a lot to absorb….Yes, the novel is difficult to read at times. Yes, you will have to read certain passages more than once and often read them in various ways. Of course, your face will start to hurt from the perplexed look you’ll be wearing over the duration of the book. However, you will be refreshed with new characters and situations every few pages–all of which will be other-worldly. You will stumble onto sparks, which will snowball into a catharsis more than once. Most of all, you will be challenged as both a reader and a thinker. If the pros outweigh the cons for you, then David David Katzman might just be your new favorite author.”
By David David Katzman on October 23rd, 2012
Tags: a greater monster, book, david david katzman, handmade book, illustrated letters, katzman, Kickstarter,, letter collection, publishing project, stream of consciousness writing | Comments Off on New book launched on Kickstarter – available until 11/21 @ 9:27am
Visit to watch the entertaining video I created to introduce you to my third book, The Kickstarter Letters.
The Kickstarter Letters is collection of 52 letters I wrote to the supporters of my A Greater Monster Kickstarter project featuring 20 illustrations, a music playlist and a fantastic cover by Mike Wilgus. It’s available as a limited edition, handmade hardback edition–signed and number–and as an ebook. Please visit for details. The handmade edition, which will retail for $40 after the project ends, is available for $25.
Shortened URL version, handy for tweeting: