By David David Katzman on January 16th, 2018
Tags: a greater monster, david david katzman, experimental, fantasy, fiction, katzman, reading group, university of southern indiana | Comments Off on University hosting reading groups for A Greater Monster
I was excited to discover that the University of Southern Indiana’s official library reading group is hosting two reading groups for A Greater Monster on February 14 and February 15. Event is listed on Facebook here.
By David David Katzman on January 10th, 2018
Tags: #surrealsalon10, art, baton rouge gallery, david david katzman, drawings, exhibit, gallery, paintings, psychedelic art, ron english, surreal, surreal salon 10 | Comments Off on My work in a gallery show: Surreal Salon 10
I’m beyond thrilled to announce that one of my drawings was accepted into a prestigious art show. The gallery show is called Surreal Salon 10 hosted by the Baton Rouge Gallery – Center for Contemporary Art. I’m honored that Ron English, the amazing pop surrealist and billboard liberationist, was the judge who made the selection. Out of 600 submissions only 60 made it into the exhibit.
Check out the gallery show here. Opening night is a wild costume ball featuring awesome musical acts, tickets are still available.
The gallery has set up a store for all the art in the exhibit, and mine is here.
I’m honored to be shown with so many other great works.