My blog is focused on one topic alone: the process of publishing my second novel. I’m seeking a publisher, but if one to my liking doesn’t bite, then I will self-publish. If you’re interested in the process of fiction writing, publishing and self-publishing, then I hope you’ll find a few nuggets of useful information herein from my blow-by-blow reports, my successes and failures. And please feel free to post any advice or suggestions you have as well. Here’s to creativity.
By David David Katzman on January 10th, 2018
Tags: #surrealsalon10, art, baton rouge gallery, david david katzman, drawings, exhibit, gallery, paintings, psychedelic art, ron english, surreal, surreal salon 10 | Comments Off on My work in a gallery show: Surreal Salon 10
I’m beyond thrilled to announce that one of my drawings was accepted into a prestigious art show. The gallery show is called Surreal Salon 10 hosted by the Baton Rouge Gallery – Center for Contemporary Art. I’m honored that Ron English, the amazing pop surrealist and billboard liberationist, was the judge who made the selection. Out of 600 submissions only 60 made it into the exhibit.
Check out the gallery show here. Opening night is a wild costume ball featuring awesome musical acts, tickets are still available.
The gallery has set up a store for all the art in the exhibit, and mine is here.
I’m honored to be shown with so many other great works.

By David David Katzman on September 18th, 2017
Tags: art, colorful, commissions, detailed, drawing, markers, portraits, psychedelic | One Comment »
I’ve opened an Etsy store to sell custom, commissioned portraits and abstract art as well as finished pieces. Find it here: Psychedelic Art by Commission
I seek through my art to represent the life and movement that makes up the entire universe. There is no surface or area of space that is not filled with energy and movement; quantum particles pop in and out of existence even in deepest space. It’s the quantum foam of existence. So through my detailed marker drawings, I am representing this endless energy and the unity of animate and inanimate objects—at a subatomic level, it is all one. Matter is just one form of energy. I’m creating a sensation of life through inorganic abstract shapes.
The drawings are on acid-free archival paper with a variety of markers. I take anywhere from 6 – 8 weeks on each piece, working with a magnifying glass to produce very fine lines.

By David David Katzman on June 25th, 2014
Tags: a greater monster, Annhilation, Authority, david david katzman, Jeff VanderMeer, Southern Reach, Twitter | One Comment »
Best-selling fantasy author Jeff VanderMeer, the author of Annihilation and Authority, rated my novel A Greater Monster 4 stars out of 5 on Goodreads. I thanked him on Twitter, and he said it was “…a really cool and unique read! Beautiful book, too, in the design.”

It was really quite a thrill for me to get this response because VanderMeer is one of my favorite authors. Here’s my review of Authority, book two in his Southern Reach trilogy.
By David David Katzman on February 15th, 2014
Tags: best ebook developer, best ebook vendor, ebook design, ebook developer, ebook vendor, ebook vendor recommendation | 2 comments »

A Greater Monster is now available in ebook format. PDF, EPUB, or MOBI (for Kindle and Nook) versions can be purchased directly from me here and the Kindle version is also available direct from Amazon here The EPUB is in the iBookstore here.
Due to the unusual graphic design in my book, it does not lend itself well to the reflowable text found in ebooks. For that reason, the PDF is actually the only one that exactly matches the print edition. I had to make some compromises in the other versions. It was a long and painful process to get them done, having fired two different ebook developers. It took me two and a half years, but I stuck with it. My third vendor finally delivered. If you are an author looking for a reasonably priced professional service, check out Aptara at They were politely agreeable to my demanding perfectionism.
Oh, and here’s a silly interview I did a while back. It’s a game of “Would You Rather” on The Next Best Book Club blog.
I think I’d rather eat my own hand than go through that ebook design process again.
By David David Katzman on September 3rd, 2013
Comments Off on A long and thoughtful review of A Greater Monster
For anyone who has read or is considering reading my second novel A Greater Monster: a popular, critical and highly intelligent blogger-of-unusual-books has posted a long and thoughtful review and has invited discussion/posting of comments.
She begins the review by writing…
Jesus Christ. The best way I can begin this book discussion is to dare every single one of you to buy the book and read it.
And she concludes it…
I have to stop here because I could keep going for another five thousand or so words and still not cover all this book brings to the table. […] But the interpretation, as I mentioned before, is half the fun. You should read this book and not just because I dare you to read it. You should read it because it’s not like anything I have ever read before and in spite of being one of the more challenging narratives I’ve tackled for [I Read Odd Books], it remained compelling and interesting, even as I had to put it down and return to it. Highly recommended.