By David David Katzman on February 15th, 2014
Tags: a greater monster, david david katzman, psychedelic, psychedelic literature, surreal, surrealist literature | Comments Off on Ebook versions of A Greater Monster now available
A Greater Monster is now available in ebook format. PDF, EPUB, or MOBI (for Kindle and Nook) versions can be purchased directly from me here and the Kindle version is also available direct from Amazon here The EPUB is in the iBookstore here.
By David David Katzman on February 15th, 2014
Tags: best ebook developer, best ebook vendor, ebook design, ebook developer, ebook vendor, ebook vendor recommendation | 2 comments »

A Greater Monster is now available in ebook format. PDF, EPUB, or MOBI (for Kindle and Nook) versions can be purchased directly from me here and the Kindle version is also available direct from Amazon here The EPUB is in the iBookstore here.
Due to the unusual graphic design in my book, it does not lend itself well to the reflowable text found in ebooks. For that reason, the PDF is actually the only one that exactly matches the print edition. I had to make some compromises in the other versions. It was a long and painful process to get them done, having fired two different ebook developers. It took me two and a half years, but I stuck with it. My third vendor finally delivered. If you are an author looking for a reasonably priced professional service, check out Aptara at They were politely agreeable to my demanding perfectionism.
Oh, and here’s a silly interview I did a while back. It’s a game of “Would You Rather” on The Next Best Book Club blog.
I think I’d rather eat my own hand than go through that ebook design process again.